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Call for Proposals:
Artists & Cultural Workers!

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In partnership with Houston in Action, we are thrilled to announce this CALL FOR ARTISTS & CULTURAL WORKERS to submit proposals for projects that will motivate youth & people of color  to register by October 5th, and VOTE in the November 3rd elections.


We seek projects in which artists will collaborate with organizers and/or community partner organizations to create culturally relevant artistic expressions that inspire & mobilize voter engagement. HiA will award a minimum of four (4) projects, in various artistic disciplines, for the design, implementation and community engagement leading up to the November 2020 elections.

THE GOAL: To activate Youth, Black, Latinx, & Asian American communities to register & turn-out to vote in Houston, TX (and beyond!). Collectively, we hope these artist-led, cultural organizing projects will mobilize over 100,000 new voters this year!

Award Amount: $10,00

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, August 23, 2020 (11:59pm Central Time)

Notification: September 1, 2020

Start Date: September 8, 2020

End Date: December 15, 2020











Selected artists will be required to submit a detailed work plan to HiA and Art2Action staff, work closely with community organizers, and  participate in 3-4 online Houston in Action Academy trainings and/or Learning Exchanges with Art2Action, including:

  • Voter Registration / Engagement

  • Racial Justice

  • Cultural Organizing: Framework & Values

  • Art & Digital Organizing: Tools & Best Practices

  • Evaluation: Planning & Process


All projects must be easily shared through digital means, and must include strategies for safe participation during the pandemic. Preference will be given to projects led by artists who reflect the demographics of the communities we are trying to engage (youth, Black, Indigenous and People of Color), and/or the neighborhoods they live in, or who have established relationships in those communities.

All funded projects must be non-partisan, and compliant with Houston in Action’s 501c3 tax-exempt status.


A2A Votes!
Animating Democracy Session One  Voter Mobilization and the Arts on Wednesday 28 September 2022
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Cute Asian American Kids THROW HUGE TANTRUMS if you don't VOTE!
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Voting y Flores
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Try Voting!
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Art2Action turns 10 in 2020!
Help us celebrate our 10th anniversary by joining our "10 for 10" fundraising campaign. Donate in multiples of $10, or get 10 friends to participate! Every contribution, large or small, matters. YOU can help sustain our work into the next decade... DONATE today!
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